The Little Nuthatch — field guide paintings

Tree Kangaroos Field Guide.

commissions field guide paintings

I was commissioned to do Kangaroo and Tree Kangaroo Field Guide paintings. I posted the Kangaroo guide last week, and happy to say I have now finished the Tree Kangaroos. It was very difficult to find information or pictures on some of them- some species have been discovered fairly recently, or are threatened by very low numbers and living in remote parts of Australia, Papua New Guinea, and islands. I learned a lot but there is much left to learn. This is as accurate as I could make it from my research, but probably not 100%!

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Kangaroos Field Guide.

commissions field guide paintings

I was commissioned to do Field Guide paintings for Kangaroos and Tree Kangaroos. Here are the finished Kangaroos! Prints will be coming. Right now I'm trying to get the Tree Kangaroos completed. They are a lot harder, elusive creatures with little info available for some- but also incredibly cute! I have 8 out of 12 done, so back to work...!

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Field guide painting: Raptors.

field guide paintings

Finished my latest field guide painting for North American birds. This one is Raptors (not dinosaurs) such as Hawks, Falcons, Vultures, Kites, and Eagles. 28 birds are included: American Kestrel Bald Eagle Black Vultlure Broad-winged Hawk Cooper's Hawk Crested Caracara Ferruginous Hawk Golden Eagle Gyrfalcon Harris's Hawk Merlin Mississippi Kite Northern Goshawk Northern Harrier Osprey Peregrine Falcon Prairie Falcon Red-shouldered Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Rough-legged Hawk Sharp-shinned Hawk Short-tailed Hawk Snail Kite Swainson's Hawk Swallow-tailed Kite Turkey Vulture White-tailed Kite Zone-tailed Hawk Prints available at Etsy and Handmade at Amazon.

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Shorebirds, Sandpipers & Plovers Guide.

field guide paintings

I've finished my latest guide, Shorebirds of North America. Sandpipers, plovers, oystercatchers, dowitchers, etc. (Males in breeding plumage.) It includes aaaaall these birds: American Avocet American Golden-plover American Oystercatcher American Woodcock Baird's Sandpiper Black-bellied Plover Black-necked Stilt Black Oystercatcher Black Turnstone Buff-breasted Sandpiper Dunlin Greater Yellowlegs Hudsonian Godwit Killdeer Least Sandpiper Lesser Yellowlegs Long-billed Curlew Long-billed Dowitcher Marbled Godwit Mountain Plover Pacific Golden-plover Pectoral Sandpiper Piping Plover Purple Sandpiper Red Knot Red-necked Phalarope Red Phalarope Rock Sandpiper Ruddy Turnstone Sanderling Samipalmated Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Short-billed Dowitcher Snowy Plover Solitary Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Surfbird Upland Sandpiper Wandering Tattler Western...

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Corvids and Woodpeckers.

field guide paintings

I have finished painting my Corvids guide and Woodpeckers guide, and both are now up on Etsy: Corvids of North America Woodpeckers of North America   And speaking of woodpeckers, the other day I was walking a boardwalk and noticed the boardwalk was covered in wood chips. I looked up for a woodpecker, and the sky happened to be raining wood chips just that moment! A Pileated Woodpecker was hard at work on a hole.

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