Field Guide Painting: Salamanders.

field guide paintings

Salamanders are the subject of my latest Field Guide painting.

I don't know much about them. Someone pointed out to me that they are both beautiful and cute, and suggested I do a painting. I started researching and there are MANY, so I picked out some pretty ones that can be found around Florida (always looking to further educate myself on the local wildlife). Here is the result:  


Long-tailed Salamander

Marbled Salamander

Red Salamander

Slimy Salamander

Three-lined Salamander

Tiger Salamander

Two-lined Salamander


Speaking of Salamanders, I have seen very few. Elusive little creatures. I did see one in North Carolina this January. I scoured some books and could not decide what it is, being pretty close to a few different types. Perhaps the Slimy Salamander?


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