
My baby, my Fria, passed away last Friday.


She was at the vet being taken care of, but she didn't make it. She had ingested some toxins, and a few days later when the blood work came in they found out she had diabetes and her kidneys were failing, which was why she couldn't handle the toxins.

I had blood work done on her yearly and they never found diabetes, but it definitely explains some things even though she really seemed healthier than ever. I'm coming to terms with things... I'm glad she went without struggling, that to the last moment she had the best life a cat could have. Just the day before we went on a walk in the woods, she was running and playing.

She was the best cat ever, seriously perfect. We took walks outside and she was always by my side. When I woke up in the morning she would be waiting for me outside my door. She would sit on my desk whenever I was on the computer or working on art. And every night at dinner she sat with us and begged for food (she loved food a bit much). Even when I took a shower she liked to come in the bathroom and curl up on my clothes. When I would come home from somewhere I would look for her first thing, pick her up and she would give my nose one lick like a kiss and touch my face with her paws, and talk. She was always talking A LOT. We were completely devoted to one another. She loved my Mom too, she wasn't always nice to other people, but she trusted my Mom and I completely.

I love her and I'll miss her forever. It's really hard being without her, but I am very thankful for the fourteen years we had together.

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