Orlando Wetlands.

american coot black skimmer common yellowthroat orlando wetlands roseate spoonbill snowy egret vermilion flycatcher

I had been anxious to get out to the Orlando Wetlands since it reopened on February 1st (as it closes during the Winter), and I finally made it out there a couple weeks ago. It is always exciting to see what birds have arrived while it's closed. My first stop was to the cypress in the back to see the Vermilion Flycatcher, an adorable little red bird. It didn't come close, so it was a tiny speck on a distant tree...


The sun was going down as I walked back towards the front. Most the action was in the cell up front. (The Orlando Wetlands is used for water treatment, and it is made up of cells divided by berms.) It was nice to see so many birds, such Black Skimmers and Roseate Spoonbills, this far from the coast.


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