Orlando Wetlands Park.

orlando wetlands

This morning I explored a new spot of Florida! The Orlando Wetlands Park closes for the season on October 1st so I wanted to check it out before I had to wait until Spring. That's the only thing that led me to go there in 90+ weather. And this marks my first hike of Autumn! (Summer was long and hot and thus had ZERO hikes.) Look at the awesome clouds!

Unfortunately the hiking trail through the forest was incredibly grown over, the only maintenance it's gotten appears to be from animals. There was much dipping under branches, stepping over fallen trees, and avoiding spider webs. The woods ARE cool but I don't think I'd go back for the purpose of hiking. More like bird watching! The trails around the lake and through the marshes are taken care of and provide a lot of good views. There is no shade so it's very hot but I would love to go back in the Spring. My Grandma said we saw a "Brown Booby" among the water birds you usually see. Sorry I don't have a good camera for bird shots!!

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