The Little Nuthatch — bird nest paintings

Bird Nests and Ivory Billed Woodpecker paintings.

bird nest paintings people paintings

I just updated the shop with prints of all my bird nests paintings, and two originals. The update includes prints of these three new pieces: And this new one: That one is titled "Lord God Bird" after the Ivory Billed Woodpecker. I had been wanting to paint one for a while, as I've been following the story on this awesome website about it. I hope they find them! I'm not sure I did the bird justice, as there are quite a lack of photos.

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Works in progress.

bird nest paintings people paintings

I've finally started some new paintings. It's been too long! Here is a glimpse of the works in progress. Yes, the paint is a work in progress in itself. The palette is getting low, but I really enjoy using up all the paints and then refilling them all at the same time to start fresh. It gets to be a fun challenge mixing the paints as you run out of colors.

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Painting bird nests.

bird nest paintings

Here are some paintings I did back in October. They wouldn't scan without ridiculous shadows so I had to wait to photograph them. Not the best photos, but it's better than nothing- basically I was tired of waiting. I love these paintings! So many possibilities! I'm envisioning many more, with a variety of little trinkets in their nests. The first one is 9x12 and the others are 5x7. I plan to list the smaller ones on etsy.

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