Green Cay Wetlands.

double-crested cormorant flowers gray-headed swamphen green cay wetlands green heron snake

I visited Green Cay Wetlands down in Boynton Beach, South Florida before participating in a craft show on Saturday. I love fitting in a little exploration whenever time allows. It was my first time visiting Green Cay and it did not disappoint. It is so well maintained, with a nice center, bird feeders throughout, and completely made up of boardwalks.

TONS of flowers were blooming EVERYWHERE. It struck me as a perfect time of year to visit.

I found a "big lizard" which I looked up online and it appears to be a Brown Basilisk. I don't know how common these are in South Florida, but it's definitely not something you see in Central Florida so I was rather astonished.

Also exciting were many Purple Swamphen. I had never seen them before but they had been described to me as Purple Gallinule on steroids, so when I saw them I knew immediately without a doubt! They are so huge! And beautiful just like a Purple Gallinule.

There were beautiful birds everywhere, and some others I saw were Belted Kingfisher, Painted Bunting, Common Yellowthroat, and the Moorhens still busy with fuzzy chicks. A good morning before a busy craft show. And for everyone that came out to Stitch Rock- thank you! I had so much fun and am so energized by your support! Save

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