The Little Nuthatch — gray catbird

North Carolina, Beaver Lake Bird Sanctuary.

gray catbird house wren north carolina

Day 5 we went to Beaver Lake, specifically for the Bird Sanctuary but it was under construction! In a serious way that involved construction vehicles and trees crashing down! We did have a long walk around the lake and part of the sanctuary, and there were some shorebirds, Green Heron, Canada Geese, lots of Cedar Waxwings and Catbirds, a Ruby-throated Hummingbird, an adorable bunch of Mallard ducklings, etc... but I didn't end up with really any good photos at all!   Catbird Wild strawberries.   Awesome nest!   House Wren

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Blackberry season has begun.

gray catbird insects

It's the season for wild blackberries! They are so delicious and fun to pick. I filled a pint today and there were still plenty left for this Catbird. There are lots of little creatures out there on the blackberry bushes.

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