The Little Nuthatch — little big econ state forest

Florida Winter.

little big econ state forest raccoon

          And I end with this raccoon sleeping in a tree. In such a tight little ball, reminded me of my cat. It would not stir!

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At Little Big Econ State Forest.

flowers little big econ state forest mushrooms

Flowers are blooming and the trees have filled out. Things are looking lush and beautiful! Also, I almost stepped on a Dusky Pygmy Rattlesnake. But it's all good! You never know what critters you will find out there- watch your step!

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A hot August hike.

little big econ state forest mushrooms

More mushrooms! These are Florida mushrooms.

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Along the Econlockhatchee.

little big econ state forest

Took a nice 5.6 mile hike through the Little Big Econ State Forest (Lockwood/Barr) on this warm winter day. Many of the trails in the forest follow along the Econlockhatchee River, with a variety of terrain. There are often wild pigs in the forest which can be a nuisance, but luckily we saw no sign of them today! Just birds and turtles! At one point I noticed these burrows in the riverbank across the way. What lives in there?

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Flowers on a walk.

little big econ state forest

I love wildflowers. The last photo is from part of the Flagler Trail I hiked on last week. I had never been on this portion of the trail before, and I quite like it. It's very shaded so I'm thinking it's good for summer time, and it's also on an old railroad bed so it is raised and not too muddy or flooded like most of the trails at the moment. Not so good is that the trail is all straight ahead, so it is seemingly never ending.

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