The Little Nuthatch — mushrooms

Yes! It's Autumn!


I am so excited that it is officially autumn! The weather feels wonderful, and there are mushrooms everywhere! Here are some little mushrooms I spotted today.

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Spring Hammock Preserve.

mushrooms spring hammock preserve

This morning I hiked at Spring Hammock Preserve. There is a wide path down to the swamp, and then a boardwalk which ends at Lake Jesup, which is an ENORMOUS lake. I really love the boardwalk area, there is usually a lot of bird life, but sadly none today. At the end of the boardwalk I said "I feel like I'm going to look down at see an alligator"... well then I looked down, and RIGHT THERE was a huge alligator! You could see it's whole body out of the water, and it's head, right there but a foot from...

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So many mushrooms!


I don't know if it's just the time of year, or the rain coming everyday any time from morning to night... but there are mushrooms everywhere!! I love it! That little tiny one on the leaf is my favorite.

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Walk in the woods.

insects mushrooms slime mold

Yesterday was my birthday. We went to see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World which was very good, geeky, and awesome! The rest of the weekend was low key which is the way I like it. Today I braved the heat and bugs and took some photos outside. Found some cool things!

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Little nuthatches.

bird nest paintings mushrooms

What do you think? I've just redone my blog and changed the name of it to 'The Little Nuthatch'. I painted all the details in this design- the border, background, text, and of course the adorable little nuthatch! I had so much fun doing this and it may be silly but it makes me a lot more excited about my blog! I am going to be working on many changes with my blog and website within the coming weeks. And speaking of nuthatches I am currently working on a bird nest painting of a red breasted nuthatch in a nest...

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