The Little Nuthatch
Inspirational Artists I grew up on... Tasha Tudor.
Tasha Tudor is of course one of the most inspirational artists, extremely prolific, a legend! My copy of The Tasha Tudor Book of Fairy Tales is a book I treasure. Tasha Tudor lived from 1915-2008, and in her later years had settled into her cottage in Vermont with "messy gardens". You can visit if you can afford the private tour! I'll admit I wish this would open up to the public one day such as Card Sandburg's preserved home has.
Looked around some books & websites, but what type of caterpillar is this? Not sure... Love all the little critters out right now!
Blueberry picking.
I love picking blueberries for of course the most delicious berries, and the fun of picking, but also finding lots of beautiful bugs out there too!
Morning at Merritt Island NWR.
black-necked stilt flowers green heron insects merritt island nwr
A few photos here from a short trip to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Sometimes you don't have time for the full day excursion but a little trip is certainly something to be grateful for!
Hey guys.
Hey guys. What's up?