The Little Nuthatch — great blue heron

Viera Wetlands.

alligator american coot great blue heron hooded merganser loggerhead shrike red-shouldered hawk viera wetlands

  I hadn't been to Viera Wetlands in a few months so I went to check up on it. There are more birds at Merritt Island this Winter, but I am so excited to visit Viera this Spring! Why? Nestlings!! The Great Blue Heron's are already setting up on the palms and the platform, and there are even more nests than last year...     Here are a few more shots from the day: I was amused by the duck and Coots having a tussle over this snack.

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At Gemini Springs.

american coot gemini springs great blue heron

Did some hiking around Gemini Springs today. Beautiful place! Looked for the Barred Owls but couldn't find them. There were plenty of Coots fussing about, and many swimming like this... So funny, I never see them doing this when they are in their large groups at Merritt Island. Then there was this Great Blue Heron. They are especially beautiful at this time of year. An d look at those giant feet!

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Merritt Island.

american coot american white pelican glossy ibis great blue heron green heron horned grebe merritt island nwr northern pintail northern shoveler pied-billed grebe reddish egret roseate spoonbill wilson's snipe

Here are some birds from Merritt Island a few days ago. There is so much to see, I could be there all day. There was a Bittern attracting the most attention, I didn't take any photos because it was just so crowded.   The Horned Grebe is my favorite! It's so cute. Horned Grebe Green Heron Coots Northern Shovelers Glossy Ibis Wilson's Snipe Roseate Spoonbill Northern Pintail Reddish Egret Pied-billed Grebe American White Pelicans Great Blue Heron

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On the Mosquito Lagoon at sunset.

great blue heron killdeer merritt island nwr

Here are some photos from the Mosquito Lagoon (along Bio-Lab Road at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge) at sunset. I WISH the photos  could show how gorgeous this was in person! It's beautiful.

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This is gonna rock.

american coot great blue heron great egret merritt island nwr

The ducks are returning, and the number of wading birds increasing. Oh, but how things go. I miss all the warblers that were passing through, and I guess my friendly Catbird and Ovenbird in the front yard have moved on further as I've not seen them in a few weeks. But now there are flocks of Robins... and much much more to look forward to.

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