The Little Nuthatch — rabbit

Paint Mines Interpretive Park, Colorado.

colorado flowers insects rabbit squirrel

Paint Mines Interpretive Park is way out there down dirt roads (thankfully well-kept) through farm country and a couple cute little towns. As a birder I found the drive to be AWESOME, with opportunities to see raptors, grouse, and an abundance of Western Meadowlarks. After the drive, it's kind of amazing when seemingly out of nowhere you come upon the colorful rock formations of the Paint Mines. The photos don't do it justice. There's much to explore and the rocks are towering over you. They are colorful and have different textures. Small flowers are found growing out from the rocks....

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Just a deer and a little rabbit.

deer econ river wilderness rabbit

Here are some trail friends I've met this month.  

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Nom nom nom.


I love this wild bunny I saw at my parents yesterday while eating dinner. The bunny was eating dinner too, with a leaf hanging out of it's mouth. So cute!

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Oh, Summer. It's rare that you are pleasant to be out in.

bird nest paintings mushrooms rabbit

We are having lower humidity today, so it was a nice morning to be out. I took the chance to go around to my parents and take a walk. This wild bunny is often seen in my parents backyard: Clavulinopsis laeticolor: I also got to observe some birds and deer, although I did not have the camera ready, they made me quite happy!

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