The Little Nuthatch — american robin
Winter at MINWR.
american avocet american robin eastern phoebe merritt island nwr north carolina peregrine falcon sora wilson's snipe
Well, I just posted about finishing painting all the birds from the Merritt Island NWR bird checklist. Now I am going to share some photos from my last trip over there. Can you see why I love the place so much? Wilson's Snipe American Avocet Peregrine Falcon Eastern Phoebe American Kestrel Sora American Robin Osprey
A few photos, days off.
I had the last five days off. It's been a long time since I had more than two days off so this was glorious! The first day I hung out with my friends, but the other four I just stayed home and was super productive on art. I got to enjoy cooking, and spending time with my cats- you know how much they appreciate when you're home because they won't leave you alone! I only got in my car twice, to go to the grocery store for strawberries, and to go on a hike. Yes, a hike-- you don't know...