The Little Nuthatch — flowers
flowers insects merritt island nwr northern flicker osprey red-winged blackbird sora wilson's snipe
Last weekend while birdwatching I saw two firsts, one was a Northern Gannet, the other a Sora. It's easy for me to have firsts since I haven't been birdwatching seriously (actually IDing birds) for very long. I think I may have been lucky to see the Sora though, as it was really hiding... Others from the day... Osprey Northern Flicker Savannah Sparrow Wilson's Snipe Red-winged Blackbird Gorgeous thistles very busy with butterfly and bee action!
The azaleas have bloomed in full force! There are now butterflies and bees everywhere! It's beautiful.
Spring is coming!
flowers insects moss and lichen
More and more butterflies and flowers popping up, birds building nests all over the place. Spring is coming!
Morning walk.
Had a nice hike this morning in the heat, but it's worth it for all the beautiful flowers and wildlife. Here's a few photos.
Insects and wildflowers.
Spring time. ♥ ♥ ♥