The Little Nuthatch — osprey

Bird watching afternoon.

brown pelican common gallinule merritt island nwr osprey wilson's snipe


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flowers insects merritt island nwr northern flicker osprey red-winged blackbird sora wilson's snipe

Last weekend while birdwatching I saw two firsts, one was a Northern Gannet, the other a Sora. It's easy for me to have firsts since I haven't been birdwatching seriously (actually IDing birds) for very long. I think I may have been lucky to see the Sora though, as it was really hiding...   Others from the day... Osprey   Northern Flicker   Savannah Sparrow   Wilson's Snipe Red-winged Blackbird   Gorgeous thistles very busy with butterfly and bee action!

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Some birds at Merritt Island.

belted kingfisher loggerhead shrike merritt island nwr osprey

Here are a few birds I saw on Bio-Lab Road at MINWR earlier this week. It was late in the day and the sun was going down, but it certainly was clear with blue skies.

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