The Little Nuthatch — otter

Mushrooms and a river otter.

mushrooms otter

I felt very special seeing the Otter in the photo above. It was working it's way through a ditch and I quickly snapped this photo before it popped out and into the thick palmettos. The rest of my walk that day, after a long bout of rain, I just saw mushroom after mushroom emerging from the ground. Not as exciting as an Otter, but still something I enjoy seeing.    

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Springtime at Viera Wetlands.

limpkin otter sandhill crane viera wetlands

Here are some photos of cute families I saw at Viera Wetlands over the weekend! There were also many families of Great Blue Heron and Anhingas that I didn't get good photos of but enjoyed watching for a long time on their nests. What a cool place! Limpkins eating a snail. Limpkins. Sandhill Cranes. Young Sandhill Crane- getting BIG!! Remember the photos I posted when it was a wee thing? Otters. Otters.

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Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

alligator blue-winged teal little blue heron merritt island nwr otter snowy egret

Here are some photos taken a couple weeks ago at my favorite place, Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge. Juvenile Little Blue Heron. River Otter. Blue-winged Teal. Pelicans. Snowy Egret, lots of lovely plumage! I've been doing a lot of birdwatching lately and not too much painting. The birds are on the move again, migrating, and I am in a hurry to see what I can before they are all gone!

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