The Little Nuthatch
Belted Kingfisher.
belted kingfisher merritt island nwr
The Belted Kingfisher is one of the coolest looking birds, and no other birds look anything like it. They are common enough, but usually fly away from people pretty fast so I was really happy when this one posed for me!
I have been doing some small paintings inspired by Valentine's Day and decided to make them into little Valentine's cards. Every year when Valentine's Day comes around I think back to the little Valentine's I swapped as a kid. Tiny cards in tiny envelopes, I just love them! And those silly phrases, like "owl always love you"...I couldn't resist using that one. So these are in that style: Owls, foxes, and a pink bird!
Lake Harney Wilderness Area.
Here is a little peek at Lake Harney Wilderness Area. It is a short hike. The start of the trail is down a sandy road, not to be done on a hot day! Luckily today was very nice. I mean, it is only the first of February! The River Loop has beautiful sprawling oaks and a crazy amount of spanish moss. Then there are a few good spots to view the river. This is also a historical landmark, and there is a board with a timeline and the history. Starting with an Indian settlement, going to a ferry dock, and...
Keeping an eye on those Eagles.
The Eagle Watch has been pretty uneventful so far...
At Gemini Springs.
american coot gemini springs great blue heron
Did some hiking around Gemini Springs today. Beautiful place! Looked for the Barred Owls but couldn't find them. There were plenty of Coots fussing about, and many swimming like this... So funny, I never see them doing this when they are in their large groups at Merritt Island. Then there was this Great Blue Heron. They are especially beautiful at this time of year. An d look at those giant feet!