The Little Nuthatch — mourning dove

The Big Crafty.

carolina wren craft shows maker made mourning dove north carolina northern cardinal

Yesterday was The Big Crafty in downtown Asheville, NC. I had a table selling my art and I had so much fun meeting people! Being a birder and selling bird art is really fun, people will talk birding with me and I got a few tips for the area. The Big Crafty was a huge event with 150 booths!  As you can imagine there was a lot of talent and some great arts and crafts. I was pretty busy with my own table, during the last half hour it was slowing down so I darted around and took a few...

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North Carolina Feeder Birds.

american goldfinch brown-headed cowbird eastern bluebird house finch mourning dove north carolina red-bellied woodpecker

Here are some photos I took during my week in North Carolina of the backyard birds. Lovey-dovey Doves mating. Brown-headed Cowbird. A couple frequented the feeder and this male would go to the top of tree and do his mating call and poof out all his feathers. House Finch. Goldfinches galore! At one point there were 10 at the same time. Red-bellied Woodpecker. Eastern Bluebird. There were two pairs feeding babies in nest boxes. Besides the birds I photographed, I also saw Carolina Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Wren, White-breasted Nuthatch, American Robin, Chipping Sparrow, Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal, Mockingbird, Indigo...

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