The Little Nuthatch
Barred Owls.
I knew there was a Barred Owl family with owlet around and today I finally saw them. That is Papa Owl in photo above. The owlet is already as big as the adults, although that is with a considerable amount of fluff. Owls are so cool, and this made my day!
Mead Gardens.
Mead Gardens is a beautiful location. There are a lot of birds, bugs, and flowers. I saw some of the migrating birds, since they are too hard to photograph I drew a picture of some of the warblers I saw today:
Little gnatcathers.
Here are a couple of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers I spotted at my parents yesterday after the rain storm.
My kitty.
My kitty Scout turned 2 today. Aw, she's growing up... Happy Birthday Scout! ♥
Bio-Lab Road.
belted kingfisher black-necked stilt bobcat merritt island nwr mushrooms roseate spoonbill
I spent last weekend out at Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge. Saturday was a beach day, it felt amazing! But the water is still too cold. I saw a Crested Caracara on the way home which was the most exciting bird sighting of the day, sadly I was driving down a busy road at 60 mph at the time. Sunday was specifically for birdwatching, down Bio-Lab Road. Days later I am still itching from the all the mosquitoes, but it was worth it! Most of the birds were far from the road and not good for photographing, but fun to watch...