The Little Nuthatch — northern parula

Camping at Little Talbot Island's Marsh.

carolina chickadee northern parula snakes talbot island yellow-throated warbler

I went camping at Little Talbot Island (near Jacksonville, FL) during the last week of March. It rained, it was freezing with COLD wind blowing in over the marsh, and finally at the end it warmed up. It was the strangest week of weather and not what Florida usually has to offer in March! On the bright side the weather helped bring in some migratory birds, and strong waves brought interesting things up to the beach. The campground is across the street from the main park with the beach. Our site was shaded by oak trees and overlooked the marsh....

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Spring warblers.

black and white warbler lake mills park northern parula yellow-rumped warbler

In addition to all the wonderful little chicks, Spring brings migration! Here are some from a morning at Lake Mills Park. Black and White Warbler   Yellow-rumped Warbler Northern Parula

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black and white warbler blue-gray gnatcatcher northern parula yellow-throated warbler

It's warbler time... look at the tops of the trees! Northern Parula Yellow-throated Warbler Black and White Warbler Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

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Northern Parula.

northern parula

Lots of Northern Parulas around this week.

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This morning.

moss and lichen northern parula snake white-eyed vireo

What a lovely morning to be off work. It was warm and breezy. There were birds singing everywhere. The Red-headed Woodpecker appears to be nesting in the dead pine that the Kestrel likes to sit on, today they were both there, I wonder if they mind one another? I also spooked a couple of Bob White's, sorry to spook them but it's hard to see ground birds when you are too busy looking up! Most of those little warblers and such are so high up in the trees. I had my first sighting of Northern Parula in the yard. Northern...

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