The Little Nuthatch — carolina chickadee

Camping at Little Talbot Island's Marsh.

carolina chickadee northern parula snakes talbot island yellow-throated warbler

I went camping at Little Talbot Island (near Jacksonville, FL) during the last week of March. It rained, it was freezing with COLD wind blowing in over the marsh, and finally at the end it warmed up. It was the strangest week of weather and not what Florida usually has to offer in March! On the bright side the weather helped bring in some migratory birds, and strong waves brought interesting things up to the beach. The campground is across the street from the main park with the beach. Our site was shaded by oak trees and overlooked the marsh....

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Backyard birds.

brown-headed nuthatch carolina chickadee cedar waxwing red-winged blackbird white-eyed vireo yellow-bellied sapsucker

Here are a smattering of photos I've taken here and there of birds in the backyard. Female Red-winged Blackbirds, we had a large flock one late afternoon. Brown-headed Nuthatch... There is a couple that appears to be preparing a nest in an old dead tree. You know when they are there as they vigorously peck away at it! Yellow Bellied Sapsucker Carolina Chickadee Cedar Waxwing White-eyed Vireo

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A few more from North Carolina.

carolina chickadee carolina wren moss and lichen north carolina

I got home from North Carolina last night but I have a  lot more photos to go through. Here are a few more. Carolina Wren. There are cows across the street, they have 5 calves and are so adorable to watch! This is why I am a vegetarian. Carolina Chickadee.

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North Carolina song birds.

carolina chickadee dark-eyed junco eastern bluebird north carolina

There is something about winter, where the leaves fall off the trees and suddenly you can pinpoint where the birds are when they are chirping! This is a thing that doesn't really happen in Florida, but in North Carolina it had me up every morning looking for birds in the trees! Just a few of the many song birds I saw... And who might have built this lovely nest?

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